

The idea for the Women who Succeed podcast emerged on a cold December commute home from work. Christine was binge-listening to an inspiring podcast (a highly ranked podcast with a male host) for a few weeks when it dawned on her that she had not heard a single female guest. She thought she must’ve been listening to a podcast just for guys the whole time!

On the website for this podcast and she found that out of the last 37 guests on the show, only 9 were women. Christine tweeted the host asking where all of the inspiring women were? He said, “What do you mean???” He listed the 9 women guests.

That’s it?

Sandra and Christine knew of plenty of inspiring women in their own lives who were balancing jobs, taking care of kids and family, and somehow managing to pursue their own interests and fit volunteer work in as well - all with incredible poise. They’ve overcome many obstacles along the way, but why don’t we hear their stories?

We launched the Women who Succeed podcast in April 2017 to share the stories of inspiring women everywhere.

Women are succeeding all around us and their stories need to be told. The women on our podcast come from all walks of life. They may not be millionaires or drive the fanciest cars (everyone’s “stereotypical” vision of success), but they’re living their lives on their terms. They are succeeding.

We encourage you to subscribe to our podcast and listen to their stories. You may find that you can relate to many of the hurdles they faced and how they got past them.

A little about us...

Sandra and Christine are the founders of Women Who Succeed podcast

Sandra has an MBA in finance, studied and lived in Japan, and currently works as a Sales Associate in Bloomingdales.

HER LIFELONG CHALLENGE: Trying to create the best possible life for her son with autism and to help others whose lives are affected by autism.


WHAT SHE LOVES: Toastmasters, Zentangles, Reading...lots and lots of reading

PETS: 2 big dogs named Cody and Diesel


Christine has a bachelor’s degree in marketing and works as a marketing manager and copywriter.

HER LIFELONG CHALLENGE: Finding her voice! Public speaking was a huge challenge.

WHAT SHE HATES: Being told she’s quiet and olives (they’re just salt balls!)

WHAT SHE LOVES: Running, Trying to cook healthy (“trying” being the key word there!), Reading, and New experiences

PETS: None at the moment, but she will be adopting dogs again in the future